Previews from PhaseOne IQ4 back not arriving in Cascable

Hi there,

Since upgrading to Cascable 7, Previews from the PhaseOne-Back don’t arrive in Cascable via WiFi anymore.
The connection between Cascable and Camera seems fine - I can change the settings, release a capture I can view the images stored on the CF Card in the back, and download raw-files to the phone. But the JPG-Previews just don’t arrive anymore, the screen stays white and the wheel keeps turning.

Settings haven’t changed: The back creates an access point and the app connects via the IP Number. Host storage is disabled in the back. I re-installed the latest firmware on the IQ4-Back, re-installed the Cascable app updated the iPhone system to the latest version. The same problem occurs on the iPad.

Does anybody have an idea how to get this working? I’ll also ask PhaseOne support for help, as I heavily rely on the previews during my shoots…

Best regards


A fix for this has been submitted to the App Store. Their turnaround time varies, but the update should be approved and out by the end of the week.

Update: The fix has now been released.

Fantastic! I tested and all works well again.
Thanks for this very specific app update – it’s highly appreciated!
Best regards